Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Treatment of Panic Quickly - Know all about Anxiety and Panic Attacks!

Panic attack is a sudden onset of an episode of intense fear or anxiety, which includes four or more symptoms: rapid heartbeat (palpitations), tremors, sweating, feeling of choking, chest pain, dizziness and nausea.
It is estimated that up to 4% of the population suffers from severe and frequent panic attacks. In women, the disease is 2 to 3 times more often than men.
Panic disorder is a condition in which repeated bouts of anxiety followed by the fact that there will be another crisis, so that a person goes in constant fear. Not all patients who experience anxiety attacks will develop panic disorder. There are many patients who only had one experience in an attack that never repeats.This condition may be accompanied by agoraphobia.Agoraphobia is a condition in which the patient is afraid to go outside the house. Fear comes from the idea that any panic attack that will occur in such places - from the safe haven of his home, finds them unprepared and helpless. This can lead to many problems. This can lead to loss of employment, complete social isolation and zero self-esteem and confidence.
* Without treatment, sufferers can still get anxiety attacks for many years. This can seriously affect their relationships with family, friends and colleagues.* Their life is becoming more and more difficult. For example, people may begin to avoid situations that cause him fear. These may be everyday activities like shopping or driving. In extreme cases, people with untreated panic disorder are too afraid to leave the house.* Many people with this disorder also suffer from severe depression.Often, trying unsuccessfully to reduce the symptoms of alcohol or other substances, only exacerbates their symptoms. In severe cases it can even lead to suicide.* Some people may find it hard to be productive at work. Symptoms of this condition may prevent them from going to work or stay there as soon as they arrive. They may even refuse a promotion or job because they believe it will make them more vulnerable to attack. Some people have even quit their jobs.
The condition can be fully resolved with appropriate treatment. This is good news. The bad news is that most people try to treat it with buy cheap Valium. Drugs have many side effects and may lead to dependence. Moreover, they only treat symptoms, not the cause of the disease.
To treat this condition is necessary to take control of your mind. Here are a few ways to do this:
Do not try to deal with your feelings. The more you are willing to admit and face the problem, the easier it will get rid of it.* Stay in the moment. Observe what happens to you and do not let yourself become a victim, what do you think happens to you. You actually do not die or go mad. It is only in your mind.

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